Na AGM 2017 zapadła decyzja o dodaniu nowych konkurencji w Departamencie Street.
Będą to:
BD Solos B-Girls Juniors
BD Solos B-Girls Adults
BD Solos B-Boys Juniors
BD Solos B-Boys Adults
HH Battles Solos Children
HH Battles Crews Children
W wyniku zmian nastąpiła modyfikacja Programu Mistrzostw w Kopenhadze - w załączeniu.
Poniżej informacja z IDO.
Czytaj więcej...-/
Dear IDO National member organizations,
following the decision of the IDO Annual General Meeting that took place
in Athens, end of June 2017, the TEST COMPETITION disciplines have been
added to the existing competition rooster as followed:
- World Cup BD Solos B-Girls Juniors (5 EpN)
- World Cup BD Solos B-Girls Adults (5 EpN)
- World Cup BD Solos B-Boys Juniors (5 EpN)
- World Cup BD Solos B-Boys Adults (5 EpN)
- World Cup HH Battles Solos Children (5 EpN)
- World Cup HH Battles Crews Children (3 EpN)
Please, also find the NEW schedule attached.
Thank you all for your co-operation and sending it to all of your members
and dancers.
Kind regards,
Fiona Johnson Kocjančič
IDO Sport Director
IDO Competition Director
IDO Educational Direcor