Informuję, że wszyscy tancerze, choreografowie, trenerzy, instruktorzy powinni zapoznać się z obowiązującymi przepisami IDO. Jak słusznie zauważa p. Michael Wendt - dyrektor sportowy IDO - do niezwykle nieprzyjemnych momentów w trakcie turniejów należy moment zwracania uwagi / dyskwalifikacji uczestników. Można tego uniknąć przestrzegając warunków startu opisanych w przepisach szczegółowych IDO.
Czytaj więcej...Dear IDO-friends!
Following a hint of the IDO vice president Hana Svehlova after a meeting of the IDO DANCER’S FORUM
during the most successful IDO World HipHop-, Electric boogie- and
Break dance Championships 2012 in Bochum, Germany the IDO has set the
following note in the IDO website under each competition è competitions each year è details – left side under the dates:
Make sure you are familiar
with the IDO dance rules
» show rules
(This is a direct link to the IDO rules)
make sure all choreographers working for your federation for
international events, all dancers enrolled, the team captains, and other
people involved in your country know the IDO dance- and dancesport
rules for the competitions they are involved
is a shame, when dancers have to be warned or disqualified, because
they broke the IDO rules everybody can read BEFORE in the IDO-Website.
contains in particular the music cuts, - bad language, length and
speed, and special rules in different dance disciplines - especially for
children etc. etc. etc.
Please make sure your choreographers, teachers, coaches are informed before they start each season!
Thank you for supporting IDO!
Best regards
Michael Wendt
IDO vice president and competition director
IDO ambassador for Asia / Asia-Pacific